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Head and Neck Tumour Committee

ivo.es Head and Neck Tumour Committee

The Head and neck tumour committee is made up of a multidisciplinary team of professionals in: pathological anatomy, molecular biology, general and digestive surgery, thoracic surgery, dermatology, nursing, physiotherapy, nuclear medicine, neurosurgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology, otorhinolaryngology, psychology, radiodiagnosis, and traumatology.

The treatment of a tumour will depend on its typology, extension, and evolution. Depending on each case, there are therapeutic options available for surgery, external or internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy), or systemic treatments (chemotherapy, hormone therapy, drugs against molecular targets, etc.), and/or combinations of these.

The head and neck tumour committee deals with laryngeal cancer, thyroid cancer and other cancers.

When malignant tumour cells affect the larynx, this involves cancer of the larynx.

Lumps or nodules may appear in the thyroid. They may correspond to benign (or non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous) tumours.

Services included in this committee

The Tumour Committees are regulated under established protocols and are made up of a multidisciplinary team of expert doctors from the main specialities depending on the type of tumour. The IVO’s gynaecological tumour committee is made up of multidisciplinary medical teams from the following specialities:

Anatomical pathology

General and Digestive Surgery


Radiation Oncology




Molecular Biology


Nuclear Medicine

Ear, nose and throat



Thoracic Surgery


Servicios médicos

El cuadro médico del IVO está compuesto por un equipo multidisciplinar de profesionales médicos al servicio del paciente con cáncer

Comités de tumores

Los comités son la máxima expresión de la medicina multidisciplinar. Están formados por facultativos expertos de las principales especialidades oncológicas

Admisión e información

Cualquier ciudadano con cáncer o sospecha oncológica acreditada puede solicitar ser paciente en el Instituto Valenciano de Oncología.

Al ser un centro concertado, los pacientes no tienen que asumir ningún coste por sus tratamientos.