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ivo.es Pneumology

This unit is in charge of the study and treatment of bronchial and pulmonary pathologies in cancer patients.

The Pneumology Unit coordinates with the Thoracic Surgery team and is part of the Lung Cancer Tumour Committee, made up of a multidisciplinary team of professionals who evaluate and define the optimal therapeutic strategy for each patient.

The Pneumology Unit collaborates with the I-ELCAP Early Detection Unit, where they perform the early diagnosis of asymptomatic lung cancer

Early Diagnosis of Asymptomatic Lung Cancer

The Early Diagnosis of Asymptomatic Lung Cancer programme is part of an international lung cancer project led and coordinated by Mount Sinai in New York in collaboration with the Arizona Biotechnology Institute.

The aim of the I-ELCAP Early Detection Unit is the early diagnosis of lung cancer in the early stages of the disease, allowing either for surgical treatment or a combination of less-aggressive therapies to be considered and improving patients’ chances of survival.

Diagnostic Techniques

Respiratory Function Tests

A technique that allows, through simple respiratory manoeuvres, for the measurement of pulmonary functional capacity and the detection of alterations that are secondary to various diseases (asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, fibrosis, tumours, etc.).


It uses an instrument called a fibrobronchoscope (a long, narrow, flexible tube that uses fibre-optics). This device allows for the direct exploration of the anatomy of the larynx and the tracheobronchial tree, as well as taking biopsies from possible lesions within the lungs. The procedure is usually performed under a local anaesthetic and sedation or, at times, under general anaesthesia.

EBUS/EUS (Endobronchial Ultrasound/Oesophageal Endoscopic Ultrasound)

Similar to the technique above in which the fibrobronchoscope carries a small ultrasound scanner in its tip that allows the user to view and puncture structures that externally surround the tracheobronchial tree and oesophagus.

Pulmonary FNA

Involves taking smear tests/biopsies of thoracic lesions by means of a needle puncture, guided with the help of an ultrasound or a CT scan. It is performed under a local anaesthetic.

Mediastinoscopy and hilioscopy

These are two surgical techniques, performed under general anaesthetic, which allows optical instrumentation to enter through small incisions, making it possible to explore and take biopsies in the mediastinum (anatomical space between the two lungs)

Daniels’ biopsy

Surgical technique, performed under sedation or general anaesthetic, which consists in making an incision on the supraclavicular space in order to be able to excise/biopsy fatty tissues and lymph nodes in the region.

Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS)

Surgical technique, performed under sedation or general anaesthetic, which allows an optical and instrumental apparatus to enter the chest through small incisions, in order to be able to carry out diagnostic or therapeutic exploration of the cavity where the lungs are. Allows tumours or alterations in the lungs, pleura or mediastinum to be observed.

Pneumology Service Medical Team

Associated Doctor

Dr. Encarna Martínez Pérez