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Reference in oncology

ivo.es Reference in oncology

Comprehensive Cancer Treatment

The IVO accompanies cancer patients at all stages of their illness, from early diagnosis, in vivo and in vitro, to treatment and, in some cases, palliative care. This holistic approach to the oncological process guarantees much more humane treatment and a higher rate of efficacy

Early diagnosis

Diagnosis in vivo and in vitro

cirugía robótica Ivo

Cancer Treatment

Palliative Care

medical specialities
medical professionals
+ 0
new patients per year
+ 0
prevalent patients
+ 0

Technology and expertise
at the service of cancer patients

At the forefront of facilities and technology. Well-known for their humane treatment and respecting patients and their environment, thanks to the multidisciplinary team of medical professionals who cure and care for cancer patients.

Nuclear Medicine


Radiation Therapy

Robot-Assisted Surgery

